Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures

Student hugging Comet Mascot in front of Hanover County school busNotifying Staff of Changes in Afternoon Dismissal Plans

If you know that your child’s typical dismissal plan will be altered, please fill out the “Transportation Note” available from the office. If an emergency arises and you need to make a last minute change, please call the school office at (804) 723-3440. Please do not email or text transportation changes, as this is a busy time of day. Please fill out the note to the office below to help facilitate any dismissal changes.

Student Hours

Students may enter the building between 7:30 and 7:55 a.m. There will not be adult supervision for students prior to 7:30 a.m. Our school day officially begins at 8:00 a.m.; therefore, any students arriving after 8:00 a.m. are tardy. If your child arrives after 8:00 a.m., please drive the loop in the front of the building, dropping off your child and making sure they gain entry safely. A staff member will greet them in the foyer where they will receive a tardy pass. Attending school on time each day is crucial to a child’s success. A child who is tardy starts the day playing “catch up.” Please strive to have your child at school on time daily. It will help to develop a positive pattern for them as they mature.

Morning Arrival for Car Riders

Students may be dropped off at KCES beginning at 7:30 a.m. The designated area for drop off is the loop in the front of the building. Please enter the loop from the far side of the parking lot and continue up as far as you can go. Once cars are stopped along the sidewalk, children may exit the cars. In order to prevent a traffic backup, all cars along the sidewalk should unload at the same time then exit and make room for the next group of cars. A staff member will be present beginning at 7:30 a.m. to ensure that students are supervised as they make their way into the building. Please refrain from dropping students off before this time. Students should open the door and exit onto the sidewalk independently to prevent traffic congestion. Once your child exits the car, please wait until that line of cars is released. If you need to exit your car for any reason at drop off, please park in the parking lot and do so there.

Escorting Your Child into the Building 

Parents/guardians will need to sign in students who are tardy. Please enter the office through the single office door. We will not allow parents to walk their child/ren to class. Please give hugs and words of encouragement for a great day at school upon drop off. We assure you that there are plenty of staff members in our hallways happy to assist students who need it. We thank you for your support.

Afternoon Dismissal Procedures

Parent Pick Ups: If you plan to pick your child up from school at dismissal, please park in the side parking lot and join the parent pick-up line at door A-3. Our dismissal process will begin at 2:30 p.m. At 2:30 p.m. a staff member will open door A-3 and begin scanning QR codes and/or checking your driver’s license before releasing your child from the cafeteria. When you have your child, please be sure to use the crosswalk to cross to the parking lot. Thank you for your assistance in making this a smooth and safe process.

Bus Riders: All bus riders are escorted by their teachers to the bus loop. Teachers ensure that students get on their correct buses by walking their students around the loop to each  bus. Our buses are usually in a specific order/location each day.  

Van Riders: All van riders report to the front foyer of our building and sit in the labeled area for their daycare provider until they are called and escorted to their daycare van by a staff member. 

YMCA: All students who attend our YMCA program (held on-site each day until 6pm) will go directly into the cafeteria in the designated area where YMCA staff will be there to receive them.

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